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About Us

SandRock Ranch

The Bennett's run a commercial herd of 300 purebred Herefords along with 130 registered Hereford cows and 30 black-hided commercial females.  


The family has farmed in Benton for more than 125 years, it was Kevin's grandmother who purchased registered Herefords in the late 1940s and got the Bennetts in the Hereford breed.  It's the Hereford breed's disposition that has allowed the family to grow their program and enjoy continued success.  


Kevin and his daughter Stacy, manage SandRock Ranch's herd and row-crop and hay ground.


SandRock Ranch's herd consists of Line 1 influenced cows.  Kevin purchases horned Hereford bulls from the breeding program and artificially inseminates (AI) approximately 80 head of heifers each year. 


The Bennett's have 11 pastures for the more than 400 head of cows.  The three largest pastures can handle 60 pairs and the remainder holds approximately 25 pairs each. 


Heifers are calved out in mid-February, and the cows begin calving in early March. Calving season at SandRock Ranch is wrapped up by mid-May.


Purebred Hereford Roots with Grade A Choice Values.


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