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Featured in the February 2018 Hereford World By American Hereford Association and Hereford World Magazine.

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Purebred Hereford Roots with Proven Choice Values


SR Circle Brand Logo-01.png


"With the end product in mind, Kevin utilizes expected progeny differences (EPD's) for selecting their 20-22 herd bulls for the ranch.  'I focus on marbling EPD,' Kevin says.  'The bull obviously has to be functional and look the part, but I'm a numbers guy and the numbers have to be there.' And he adds, what he pays for a bull reflects on the animal's EPD profile.

   After the calves are fed out, Kevin sells groups to Greater Omaha Packing Co. Inc. for a program in which carcasses enter the European market.  'Our cattle have been grading very well, ' he says. 'When we first got into the program, the lead buyer told me he typically doesn't buy Hereford cattle because they don't grade, but ours work for them.' 

  Kevin's focus on carcass traits has paid off - a couple of their semitrailer loads of cattle in the past few years have graded 100% Choice, with the average being 85-95% Choice.  'Our Herefords have good marbling and perform well on the carcass end,' he says"


                       - Hereford World Magazine, February 2018 Issue



2019 Fat Cattle Data
Semi Load #1 (37 head) - Sold 7/1/2019
Quality Grading:  Choice (33) 89.19%; Select (4) 10.81% 
Yield Grades:  YG 2.00 (17) 45.95%; YG 3.00 (17) 45.95%; YG 4.00 (3) 8.11%
Semi Load #2 (40 head) - Sold 8/12/2019
Quality Grading:  Prime (1) 2.50%; Choice (32) 80%; Select (7) 17.50% 
Yield Grades:  YG 2.00 (20) 50%; YG 3.00 (16) 40%; YG 4.00 (4) 10%
Semi Load #3 (40 head) - Sold 9/6/2019 - Data not available at this time
Quality Grading:  Prime () %; Choice ()  %; Select ()  % 
Yield Grades:  YG 2.00 ()  %;  YG 3.00 () %;  YG 4.00 () %
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